Rocky Rock Concert Essay Sample

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On Friday night of March 16th I attended the local concert featuring the rapper Reason and the Rocky Rock Band who do not currently have an official name. The venue is a great place to have a concert at Loosekamp Hall on the Rocky Mountain College campus. Even with the great venue and intriguing performers advertised, not many people filled the hall. I think this just comes down to advertising and getting the word out to more students and the community. I was hoping to see more people there, but never the less it did not affect the performance. I think it may have been good for both performers to have a small crowd to get the jitters out of the way before they attempt to move on to more performances. The rapper opening for the Rocky Rock…show more content…
The group that came together through a class was very well prepared with their songs. They all seemed a little uncomfortable but as they started performing and having fun everyone loosened up and enjoyed the performance. In the first song though it was obvious to me who the weak link was and who was carrying the band. The weak link I am referring to is the Rocky Rock Band’s female lead singer. She seemed like she was hiding on stage and didn’t want to have a presence in front of the crowd. Her singing had no passion and wasn’t strong enough for the songs she was trying to sing. The rest of the band drowned her out a majority of time and she seemed perfectly okay not being the focus. The lead singer also struggled to hit notes and sing in key, and I think she noticed which is why she seemed to shy away at moments where she should have risen to the challenge. The next band member that stood out to me not as a weak link but as a musician with potential was the drummer. Besides the kind of dorky outfit for a rock band, he seemed to do well. However, he never went to the next level and exceed expectations. He didn’t have any passion and I attribute this to not being challenged enough. He did the bare minimum when he could have done more and been more complex. The one part of the band that I enjoyed the entire time and did a fantastic job was the guitarists. All three sounded exactly like what I remember in

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