Rock Springs Massacre Research Paper

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The Rock Springs Massacre The Rock Springs Massacre, also known as the Rock Springs Riots, occurred on September 2, 1885. In the present day Rock Springs city is located in the State of Wyoming. When tragedy happened and people don’t want to be affiliated or connected to it they got to extremes to sweep it under the rug, but nothing hides from the truth and the truth has a habit of coming out sooner or later. In 1875 Rock Springs mines were worked by whites miners, in that same year a strike broke out, as results of the strike most of the white miners were replaced by Chinese just two weeks after the strike began, sparking a fire between the Chinese miners and the White miners. Chinese Immigrants in Rock Springs were aware of the rising danger with the white miners, but had not opted taken any precautions, there was nothing that had prior indicators that there would be any riots. The tension between the Chinese miners and White miners was the result of years of anti-Chinese sentiment and ongoing labor dispute over the Union Pacific Coal Department's policy, the policy said that Chinese miners would be paid less than white miners. This policy made it to where Chinese be hired over the white miners which wanted more money for their jobs, this policy didn’t sit well with the White miners it made…show more content…
Some of the Chinese immigrants took jobs with the railroad at first, but most ended up getting jobs in coal mines owned by the Union Pacific Railroad. By this time Chinese immigrants were increasing in large numbers, and so did anti-Chinese sentiment from whites. The white miners needed to do something because they were out number and jobs were becoming hard to find, as results of Chinese Immigrants increasing The Knights of Labor were

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