Mrs. Jacobson: A Short Story

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“Aren’t teachers supposed to teach us?” Was the question I asked myself on that grim summer afternoon. Weren’t the teachers who we spoke to every grueling day when we were nine or ten supposed to happily teach hundreds of young growing boys and girls how to do math and science? Isn’t teaching what teachers do? It took me forever to realize that teachers taught so much more. I was a completely regular fifteen year old boy when it happened. Absolutely nothing was special about me and I was fine with that. I had short golden blonde hair, eyes bluer than the sky and soft snow white skin. My life cycled through school, sports, eating and sleeping. I was a normal American boy and I was happy living my life to its fullest extent. The days passed and not a single problem ever occurred in my life. That year was supposed to be the happiest year of my life. Then it all changed when the painful heart wrenching incident that sent my life downwards happened. The gut churning event involved one of the most popular teachers in the school, Mrs. Jillian Jacobson. Mrs. Jacobson was short as a stump and had the nicest oak brown eyes. Her hair was browner than the trees and her skin was pale as the clouds. Mrs. Jacobson was smarter, kinder and more caring than…show more content…
Jacobson hanging from an old thick leather belt on the projector. Her pale body hanged there perfectly still showing signs of decay. Parts of her faded hair were frayed from being left hanging for who knows how long and her neck was bent, snapped and bruised from the pressure of her heavy callous head against the belt which she hideously hung from. All the happiness I once saw in her wide beautiful smile was replaced with pure emptiness. The entirety of Mrs. Jacobson that was once inside this hanging corpse had been drained and erased. The loving teacher I once had in my mind had become twisted into the dreadful abomination in front of me. Everything I ever knew about her changed. I

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