Robert Collier Quote

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Success (A Discussion on a Quote by Robert Collier) Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” It is a small, unassuming quote. Yet, for all it’s facade of innocence, this quote holds power. It insinuates that you do not need to be particularly gifted in what you are interested in to achieve success in that field. For many people, this seems impossible, due to our being conditioned that you have to be intelligent to have a good life in modern society since a young age. However, this quote says that way of thinking is untrue. I believe that the quote “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out,” by Robert Collier is true, and will prove it with the help of the articles “Careers in Robotics: A Case Study” and “Team Builds ‘Sociable’ Robot” from NASA and Elizabeth A. Thompson of News Office, respectively, as well as personal experience. The…show more content…
Thompson, of News Office. The title of the article says it all; a team of scientists created a robot, affectionately named ‘Kismet,’ who seemingly feels emotion and can connect as such to other people. The robot has the intelligence of a very young child at the moment, but the group that created him are confident that he will progress mentally and emotionally as time goes on, much like a regular human being. The machine has a detailed face, which enable it to express its feelings through facial expressions, a breakthrough in robotics technology. “The eyes, in particular, are actually sensors that allow the robot to glean information from its environment…” From “Team Build ‘Sociable’ Robot” by Elizabeth A. Thompson, of News Office. They’re goal is for the robot to eventually be able to communicate at the level of a five year old human child. This goal will be accomplished through all the small things done by the team to help Kismet

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