Rights To The Streets Of Memphis By Richard Write

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Being safe is one of a lot of things that people fight for. Being able to protect your loved ones as well as yourself is one of the best feelings ever. My mom passing out, Getting lost, and the story Rights to the Streets of Memphis by Richard Write demonstrates that it is better to be cautious because you’ll be aware of your surroundings. To be safe and to feel safe and secure is one of many things that people try to find. But there are times in life when the feeling of being safe and secure completely disappears. in 2007, when I was in fifth grade my mom passed out and I felt like the whole world stopped spinning. I called my dad to come upstairs come upstairs to help my mom. My dad sprinted up the stairs to see what was happening. When…show more content…
You have to be able to stand up even if it means standing up alone. In the story Rights to the Streets of Memphis by Richard Write. Richard had to fight alone for his safety. Richard has the responsibility to bring food home for the family. Richard’s mom gave him money and a grocery list, then sent him to the store to buy food. As Richard was going these boys came up and bullied him. They took his money, and beat him up. He ran home frightened , but his mom still sent him back. She gave him money and the grocery list and told him to go. The second time he went, those boys took his money and beat him up again. He ran home home again, but, this time his mom didn’t let him inside. She once again gave him money and the grocery list and forced him to go. He constantly pleaded his mom not force him to go, but her solution was to give him a stick and make him go. For the third time those boys came up to him again. This time he stood up for himself and didn’t let those boys hurt him. He swung the bat and let it hit whatever it would hit. that night when he stood up for himself, he was able to buy food and return home safely. If Richard didn’t protect himself then he would have gotten hurt. But he wanted to be safe, and he wanted to return home he fought for his own

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