Ricotta Made Bakery

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RESEARCH OF THE FATTY ACID CHANGES BY THE GC-MS OF RICOTTA FILLED PASTRY AFTER APPLICATION OF SELECTED PACKAGING MATERIAL IN DEFINED STORING PERIOD Psodorov D.1, Lazić V.2, Ačanski M.2, Psodorov Đ.3, Popović S.2, Plavšić D. 3, Pastor K2 1Colledge of Management and business communications, MitropolitaStratimirovića 110, 21205 SremskiKarlovci, Serbia 2Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia 3FINS, University of Novi Sad, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia Abstract: Laminated and ricotta filled dough, could be observed as a complex bakery product, considering the additional cheese filling, beside the usual laminated dough base. Therefore, the ricotta filled bakery product belongs…show more content…
Ricotta is the type of cheese produced by the combination of heat and acid treatment in order to cause a whey protein coagulation. Due to nutritional characteristics, high aw value and low concentration of salt, ricotta has no more than a few days of a shelf life, which mostly depends on the quality of packaging material and the atmosphere inside the packaging (Del Nobile et al., 2009). However, considering the fact that bakery products with cheese filling are subjected to the heat treatment, the result could be a reduction of total number of microorganisms and the change of nutritional and sensorial characteristics of the…show more content…
The cause and effect relationships, between fatty acids daily intake and cardiovascular diseases, degenerative and inflammatory arthritis, cancer and oseoporoses, were determined. Moreover, some fatty acids are recognized as a trigger of the serum low density cholesterol (LDL) increase. Changes in the composition and the content of fatty acids, during the storing period, are particularly interesting, due to the potential transformation of fatty acid structure of chemical bonds from cis to trans form., whose daily intake, according to the references, should be limited to the minimal amount (EFSA, 2010). Milk is a good source of fat in the human nutrition, and especially saturated fatty acids, whereas they are present in the amount of 70 % (Farbod et al., 2013), however the concentration of trans fatty acids (TFA) ranges between 3 and 6 % (Ritvanen et al., 2012). An excessive intake of TFA could have a negative impact on an individual health, but the moderate intake of these fats, especially milk originated, is considered safe (Ritvanen et al.,

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