Richmond Foundation Case Study

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Our second interview was with Richmond Foundation.The organisation was founded on 13th May 1993. It is a non-governmental and non-profit making organisation which is responsible for those who have mental health problems. They are suited in Santa Venera where they offer various services for their patients. Today, we met a former patient and Ms Pamela Borg. The former patient discussed with us (the full interview is on the Further Evidence Section) the strugglings that he faced, where he seperated with his wife, became unpopluar amongst his children and started experimenting with things that were illegal. He was aware of his mental problem and quickly went for help. Later he told us that he was referred to Richmond Foundation where they…show more content…
“The true meaning of valuing diversity is to respect and enjoy a wide range of cultural and individual differences, thereby including everybody,” Every individual has a unique character with different backgrounds and different opinions. ESPN anchorman Staurt Scott once said that “Diversity means understanding.” In this interview, the value of diversity was shown by the workers of Richmond Foundation. They respect other patients for who they are. It is irrelevant for them what they did in the past or what family background they have. They are their to help their patients and not judge them.Their challenge, as explained by Ms. Pamela Borg is to explain to their patients that all the workers are there to help them and not perhaps make fun of them. During this interview, I have learned what diversity really means, and that I should respect others and try to help them rather than judge them because thay are different from me. The value of diversity means that we should respect others and their opinions irrespective of their religion, gender, age, colour, occupation and family background.I rate this value as an important and essential value because with diversity their are no prejudice, no racism and

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