Rhetorical Analysis Of Thomas Beller's The Ashen Guy

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Though being a narrative, The Ashen Guy: Lower Broadway, September 11, 2001, is an accurate depiction of a terrifying travesty in our history. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 haunt the lives of many and create many depressing images in our minds. Intentionally, the writer, Thomas Beller, aids in creating these images throughout his writing. He effectively prepares a chaotic tone and embodies what it was like to be in the seat of all the action by the use of diction, imagery, and sentence structure. To convey his tone throughout his work Beller effectively uses diction. Using words like “panic”, “nervous”, and “urgency” one really gets a sense of uneasiness and chaos. When hearing the word “panic” some may picture a horrific scene.

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