Rhetorical Analysis Of The Crisis No. 1

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Speaker: The speaker of The Crisis, No. 1 is Thomas Paine. Paine was an English political philosopher and writer. His ideals and writing established many of the ideals in the American Revolution. He’s written other documents such as “Common Sense” which persuaded people to participate in the fight for independence. Paine’s numerous revolutionary documents exhibits his bias as Pro-Revolutionary and generally negative towards the British. Occasion: Paine presumably wrote this document to persuade men to enlist in the militia. This document was published to extend his ideals towards more colonist; increasing his odds of recruiting additional men. Audience: The audience of this document is the weary colonist in the thirteen colonies. Paine is mostly directing his ideals towards colonist men who haven’t enlisted in militia. His vocabulary used words that conjures determination, strength, and pride in the colonies. To further evoke the men, he provokes God, History, and Hell. God gave the people ambitions to join the militia, historical figures such as Joan of Arc gave reasons towards fighting, and Hell was associated with the British to cause a counter in his claims. Paine simply alludes towards impending American Revolution against British powers.…show more content…
He conveys this message through nationalism, God, historical figures, and Hell. Paine’s extensive vocabulary and usage of God is trying to spur the colonist into joining the militia and to yearn for freedom from the British. By imagining myself as a colonist, I saw this document as enlightening. This gave proper reasoning towards abolishing the British Parliament’s grasp on America. I felt the need to unite with my fellow colonist against this greater power. Also, since Puritanism and Christianity were the prevalent religions; God commanding the colonist’s independence was enough to make anyone side against the

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