Rhetorical Analysis Of PETA Advertisements

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The Quality of any fashion brand is always depicted by the material, fur; being one of the most costly. Therefore, a fur coat is a sign of wealth. However PETA; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, came out with advertisements to target fashion industries and fashion fanatics. The advertisement shows three girls in a cage each girl wearing a fur coat and holding a sign that reads “animals suffer in fur farms”. The rhetoric devices decipher that the meaning behind the image is to dissuade fashion industries from using animal fur in their collections. Ethos is rhetorical device that targets the human sense of morality and ethical compass. The sense of morality can be relative in some cases; however, some morals are already embedded within our society. The United Nations has created a list of the basic rights that all living creatures are entitled to. The most prioritize rights are: the right to live, and to be free, PETA wants to highlight the importance of those rights with in this image. It achieves this goal by placing the each of the girls in a miniscule cage. The size of the cage is very important because it gives the audience a better perception of what it means to be deprived of freedom. By placing a encaged…show more content…
For example a smile is interpreted as a sign of happiness; regardless of what part of the world live in. PETA conveys a negative feeling among the audience, by having the models in the image have sad and desolate face expressions. This associates the feeling of sadness with the sight of a fur coat, or with the purchase of fur coats. Logic is another aspect the human cognition that PETA targets in its advertisement. The use of logic for persuasion is called Logos. The signs that the girls are holding, aim to attract the human logic. It does this because it is written as a statement, telling the audience that fur farm cause animal

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