Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Sir Francis Bacon

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Throughout history, there has been many circumstances that seen people taking the law into their own hands. From the assassination of Julius Caesar, to the death of Pertinax, and the death of Henry the Third of France, we have seen many people risking their own life just to get even with their enemy. When someone commits a crime, they break the law, but when someone takes revenge, they eradicated the law itself. Indeed, the person whom desired is to get even with his foe in time does succeed. People who refuses to seek revenge show that he or she is the better person. Sir Francis Bacon believed that revenge isn’t the right course of action, and expressed that if someone did commit a crime against you, then you should let the authority do their…show more content…
“For as for the first wrong, it doth but offend the law; but the revenge of that wrong, putteth the law out of office.” (Line ) He then claimed that even though someone who committed revenge does get even with his or her adversary, that person would have been far superior if he or she didn’t commit revenge in the first place. “ Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince's part to pardon.” (Line ) Revenge is against the law, both God's (moral) and man's (justice). Bacon believed that revenge oversteps the boundaries of the law, and that it places the avenger not only even with the avenged in term of the crime, but above him in terms of taking "wild justice" into his own hands. Along with this, Bacon also believed that revenge is both dwell in the past and is also cynical. Someone that is decently moral would have put his or her differences in the past and move on. In this way, revenge takes on a component of time: the avenger is corrupted by the past because he refuses to forgive (an act of the present and future). “...revenge keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well” (Line ) Finally, Bacon conveyed the idea that revenge is cynical because it will lead to more revenge, either by the avenger or the avenged. “...let a man take heed the revenge

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