Review Of James T. R. Jones's Autobiography, A Hidden Madness

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James T.R. Jones’s autobiography, A Hidden Madness, highlights one man’s struggle with bipolar disorder. The book focuses on the difficulties encountered by those suffering from severe mental illness and the treatability of these disorders. Jones demonstrates that successful treatment is possible with the right support, treatment, and a positive outlook. Jones successfully accomplishes his goal of serving as an inspiration for anyone struggling with mental illness. This book stands as proof that mental illness should not stand in the way of achieving a successful career. I. Having previously worked for someone suffering from bipolar disorder I was somewhat aware of the struggles they face. However I was unaware of the manic outburst such as flight of ideas and loose associations. Hearing these difficulties from an insider’s point of view helped me understand the struggles they face and make sense of behaviors I have seen in the past from individuals with bipolar disorder. I wish Jones had elaborated more on his internal struggles and feelings. Having known people with bipolar disorder, it is easy to see the external…show more content…
Having previously worked with someone with Bipolar disorder. However I was unaware of the day-to-day difficulties they faced. Reading the book I have developed a great deal of respect for individuals such as Jones, not only for the dedication he has for fulfilling his dreams but his desire to help others. Much of Jones’s success is related to his positive attitude and having only stopped his medication once in twenty-five years (2012, p. 192). Through out the book Jones references these points in an attempt to teach others their importance. In the beginning of the book Jones discusses the importance of writing his book to help others suffering from mental illness feel less alone and realize that with dedication mental illness can be successfully

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