Research Paper On Chicago World's Fair

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The first World’s Fair began in 1851, bringing people from all over the world to enjoy its magnificence. Lasting anywhere from three to six months, these fairs allowed people from all over the world to come together and spread revolutionary ideas. Ordinary people, who were tired of their boring lives could come to this extraordinary event and embark in the extravagant entertainment provided, enjoy rides, exotic attractions, and enjoy a plethora of foods and beverages. On the other hand, brilliant scientists came to the fair to share their new inventions and technology with the people, so that they became interested and wanted to buy or invest in their product. This really helped advance the production of goods and played a major role in the…show more content…
For example, The World's Fair: Columbian Exposition, also known as The Chicago World's Fair was an important fair where society was portrayed. The main purpose of this fair was to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World(World’s 1). The people of Chicago were thrilled to be celebrating Columbus’s arrival and they came together as one body of people to celebrate together. Overall, the outcome of this fair had a profound influence on inventions, engineering, cleanliness, Chicago’s self-image, and American industrial happiness. Something unique about the Chicago World’s Fair was that it was the first one to separate amusement and inventions. One of the carnival rides that was included was the original Ferris Wheel. This specific fair was so popular, because it had a lot of impact on their society. It drew about 26 million visitors from a total of 46 nations. Because of the attendance at the fair, it was paid in full with a generous check for 1.5 million dollars. Due to the large impact in society that this World Fair had, it is still recognized as an important moment in our…show more content…
It happened after World War II. “In many ways the exhibits at the World's Fair showcased new technological time periods: the Space Age, the Information Age of computers and communication, the Consumer Age of new materials and products for everyday life, and the Atomic Age of electricity”(Stanton 1). This fair brought a sense of optimism to the people of the post-war. The main purpose of this fair was to educate the people, especially the children who weren’t as advanced in math and science as the other countries. In many ways, this fair can be seen as one of the most important, not only because of the great advancement in technology, but also because of the educational aspect of it. There was also a focus of communication during this influential fair. The Bell Telephone was invented, introducing a type of technology that had never been seen before, changing the way that people view communication forever and even having an impact on the way that we communicate in modern

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