Reinventing School Lunch Summary

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Summary The case titled “Reinventing school lunch: transforming a food policy into a nutrition policy” covers a problem in school’s cafeterias. There was a National School Lunch Act introduced in 1946. “The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions, and it provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day” ( It is a very important law, as it allows some children to have nutritious meal at least once a day. The NSLP is overseen by the state government and managed by the local school district administrations. All public schools take part in this program, and all the private schools have an option to do so. Many agencies and companies have to come together for the school lunch program to work and to be successful. The web of interest groups, consumer advocacy groups, and professional associations…show more content…
This case has all of these components. There is a clear division of labor between what each agency or company does. School administrators are focused on budgets, food costs and menu productions. ASFSA is responsible for getting the right people in Washington, so that the needed laws and regulations would be passed. Private sector companies are responsible for transportation, cooling and refrigeration systems. What comes to hierarchy, Ellen Haas is a great example of a bureaucrat. She was appointed to work as the undersecretary for USDA, and her trying to change School Lunch Program did not sit well with a lot of school food service managers. Their disagreement was very public. Managers refused to adopt computer orientated system to keep nutritional value. They complained to the ASFSA about too much paperwork and not enough time and

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