Reflection Paper On Simulation Training

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A DEFENCE PAPER ON COLLECTIVE ROLE 2 ENHANCED SIMULATION TRAINING FOR HEALTH TEAM CERTIFICATION by Lieutenant Commander SG Grosser I am tempted indeed to declare dogmatically that whatever the doctrine the armed forces are working on now, they have got it wrong. I am also tempted to declare that it does not matter that they have got it wrong. What does matter is their capacity to get it right quickly when the moment arrives. (Howard & Wilson, 1974) INTRODUCTION 1. Certification of Role 2 health teams through collective simulation training using complex medical based scenarios not only strengthens teams but prepares them for deployments. Substantial improvements in capability are being introduced in new ship classes and through existing Fleet…show more content…
Plan Pelorus is about getting “our people” ready, it demands the UUUUU to be innovative and to incorporate simulation training (Plan Perlorus 2018). The Chief of Navy’s Plan KKK addresses the need for the transition from independent units to combining the combat capability of ships in task groups. Futherermore, Plan Perlorus acknowledges how through the development and increased use of simulation, can the delivery of training be not only competent and efficient but provide a strategy for assessment and certification of platforms. 3. This essay will outline the benefits of simulation in the certification of health teams and assisting health teams prepare for deploying. It will further discuss how incorporating human factors, technical and non-technical skills through scenarios revolving around crisis resource management will provide Navy with certified adaptable and resilient health teams. It will conclude with recommendations. 1ST PARA PLAN PERLORUS PLAN MERKA AND COMTRAIN…show more content…
The staff alone required to conduct simulation is at a minimum 21, bringing the total of personel involved to Role 2 Enhanced (2E) a minimum of 50. CCC bunks for deployed health is regularly scrutinised and reduced by the Amphibious Task Group. The benefits to ashore certification of health teams through comprehensive simulation reduces not only the manning foot print afloat, but increases the amount of personnel that can undergo certification. is in tandem with with Simulation also lessens the safety risks to both personnel and capability operational assets. These benefits align with Paln Mercator (Barrett, 2017) Accurately planned and implemented simulation can lesson the need for time exhaustive and costly live exercises. Also as capability gaps can be idenfitifed through trainng (Barrett, 2017), the end result is increase in amphibious capability - more trained certified health personnel ready to

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