Reasons Why The English Colonies Were Angry With Great Britain

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Antonio Chivalan History 1210- 8 am to 8:50 M, W, F In October of 1651, the English Parliament passed its Navigation Acts of 1651. These acts were designed to tighten the government's control over trade between England, its colonies, and the rest of the world. Imported goods from Asia and Africa had to arrive in England and her colonies in English ships. “Imported goods from non-English America had to arrive in England and her colonies in English ships. England's American colonies could only export their goods in English ships. Imported goods from Europe had to arrive in England and her colonies either in English ships or in ships that came directly from the producing country. Any cod, herring, and other fish, fish oil, or whale products coming into England…show more content…
Also, British prohibit the colonial manufacturing to compete with the Great Britain. Another reason why the English colonies were angry with Great Britain because of George Grenville who the king named him as a prime minister and his idea was that the English colonies have to pay taxes to support the British Empire. Many colonies didn’t like it because it was new to them and it was very high taxes. Furthermore, the stamp act crisis affected everyone because it was required for everyone to pay on every printed document like “newspapers, almanac, pamphlets, deed, will, and licenses, rum, wine”. With the creation of the stamp act there we a lot people that didn’t like and the mob were rising up in several colonies attacking stamp agents and burning and destroying the governor Thomas Hutchinson. Many of the colonies stop buying goods from Great Britain and they also started a boycott which it was spread quickly. Then many colonies started demanding ownership of the apartment where they worked so hard so now they want land. The English colonies were tired of the British controlling them, and many of them just wanted to live and peace without the British. That’s when they wanted a Revolution and

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