Reasons Revealed In The Story 'Meet The New Sheriff'

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In the story “Meet the New Sheriff’’ it gave me some reasons of why kids might be bullied. One reason that Elijah Cray was bullied was “Because of his of his hair, and about what he wears.’’ Here is a reason why Carolina Covos was bullied “I was bullied because I couldn’t understand the language.” Those are some reasons why kids might be bullied. In the story ‘‘Tales of Bulling” it gave me some reasons why kids might be a bully. “One reason why kids might be a bully is because some people have a lot of problems at home, and when they get to school they just let it all out. Also some people are just insecure or jealous.” In the story ‘‘Tales of Bullying” it gave me some reasons why kids are being bullied. One reason is that kids are normally in a clique, or a group, and when there are more people doing the same thing you feel safer doing it. This normally happens in middle schools, and high schools.…show more content…
One reason is that technology has changed everything. Because now we have Twitter, Facebook, and cell phones. With all of that technology people can get a hold of you over the Summer Break when you are not in school. I think that it could be debatable on witch is worse a bystander or a bully. In my option I think a bully is worse than a bystander. The reason I think that is because in the story ‘‘Tales of Bullying” it says a bully is the person that makes the other person feel bad. The bystander is the person that watches the bullying happen but doesn’t do anything about it. That is why I think a bully is worse than a

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