Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Case Study

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1. Introduction Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT) was established by Albert Ellis and he has found that what individuals accepted unequivocally influenced how they responded rationally. Accordingly, when their beliefs became irrational, it would make individuals feel skeptical, edgy or bad tempered and would even prompt pounding toward oneself state of mind (Psych Central.com, 2014). REBT is a pragmatic methodology to help people in taking care of and vanquishing troubles and in addition attaining objectives. REBT places a decent arrangement of its point of convergence on the present and locations state of mind, undesirable feelings and nonadaptive practices that can affect life fulfillment adversely. REBT additionally gives a show…show more content…
REBT is intended to help clients and it may reverse discharge for specific clients or if the methods are not completed appropriately. One of the deficiencies of REBT is that it has the abilities of rubbing certain clients the wrong way. To be more exact, a misinterpretation with regards to REBT is its disappointment to talk about the emotionality aspects of the emotional disturbances. It has additionally been bludgeoned for being a compassion for extreme minded clients. REBT might likewise fail to offer the fundamental level of sympathy to productively work with specific clients which may make certain clients feel exceptionally helpless and therefore not having the capacity to trust the therapist enough to impart enough or any information to the therapist for the therapist to have the capacity to give help(Aaets.org, 2014.) Another shortcoming of REBT is that the relationship between B (Belief) causes C (Consequence) or only accompanies C because of An (Activating Event) couldn't be easily tested, and that knowing certain thoughts that are irrational does not make it any easier to stop having them. Actually, it will need to take a greatly strong-minded individual to ignore any nonsensical thoughts and/or beliefs. Also, the part of the diathesis stress model is ignored, which shows that a person is more inclined to suffer an illness if one has a specific diathesis and is under immense stress and pressure. This point alone could be a possible misuse of the therapist's power by imposing thoughts of what establishes rational thinking, thus, this may make individuals feel extremely pressured to take up specific goals and values that the therapist sells instead of acting within the framework.Therefore, REBT might end up harming more than helping if not carried out with appropriate measures (Hypnodiscover.com, 2014.) REBT regularly obliges the utilization of homework. Subsequently, the client needs to be eager to

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