Raphael Fresco Analysis

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Raphael painted this fresco some time between the years 1509 and 1511 during the High Renaissance. It was commissioned by Pope Julius II to decorate the Papal apartments, and was Raphael’s biggest commission yet. The fresco depicts a gathering rather than a school, as the name leads us to believe. The gathering is of all of the great philosophers and scientists of the ancient world. There are famous astronomers, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers, and many more shown in this work. From Plato, Aristotle, and Pythagoras to Heraclitus, these and many more can be seen in Raphael’s work. In the fresco, they are supposed to be gathering to discuss their various theories and ideas with one another, which you can see in the painting. The painting calls greatly upon Roman architecture and society, from the arches in the walls to the statues of Apollo and Athena on the walls.…show more content…
For example, you can find the element of art line in the painting all over! Line resides in the walls, ceiling, floors, and bodies of the philosophers and scientists in the room. In the arches in the walls and the floor you can see straight vertical lines, and in the floor and stairs you can see horizontal lines. Additionally, there is also color and value throughout the painting. The colors range from earthy colors like the browns and tans of the background to the brightly colored clothing that the scientists and philosophers are wearing. The value of these colors also vary, especially in the shadows of the stairs and

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