Devil's Lair Case Study Anthropology

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Devil’s lair is one of the earliest site dated represent pre-historic human occupation in Western Australia with dates going back as far as 48,000 years BP (Turney, C., 2001), through the artefacts found, archaeologists have shown that the first colonisers of Australia were able to reach the south west of the land in very short period of first arrival. This site also gives evidence towards early symbolic behaviour and the technology that they used to survive including. The diverse amount of evidence about the human activity at Devil’s lair has provided valuable information on the cultural and natural past of Western Australia and its entire continent, evidence of trade and stone technology shows how advanced the first people of Australia…show more content…
A date was established for layer G, which is about 10cm below the youngest date and beneath a flowstone which did not contain any evidence of human activity which indicates a break in the timeline of human occupation. Since the first round of radiocarbon dating completed in the 1970’s there have been new tests completed by Chris Turney from the Research School of earth sciences at the Australian National University (Turney, C., 2001), which have confirmed new dates passing over the old radiocarbon dating ages. These new dates have been achieved by using various types of dating processes including Accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating or more commonly known simply as Radio-Carbon dating, re-testing of emu eggshell carbonates found in the layers, Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) which is used to estimate the date since quartz sediments were exposed to sunlight Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) which measures the concentration of radiation and the age can be determined from the ratio of the amount of trapped energy to the rate of trapping (Burow, n.d.), Uranium-Thorium Dating for carbonate or more commonly known as U-Series dates the time of element fractionation progressions that have geological significance which tests on carbonates including human and animal bones, teeth and eggshell but applied to Devil’s lair they tested the flowstones found in the deposits and lastly (Burow, n.d.) (Turney, C., 2001). With the new testing done the chronology of Devil’s lair has changed, the earlier date of the site done in the 1970’s have remained the same but from the Accelerator mass

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