Radiology Technician Research Paper

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Upon completion of the shadowing experience, each student must submit a typed description (3-4 pages) describing the experience. This description should include a detailed account of the 10 hours (to include what was accomplished), answers to any questions submitted in the original description, perceptions of the field, etc. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen a professor from Germany ignited the most important flame for this career field with the invention of the X-ray in 1985. After many years and developed technology the career field of radiology technician was started. Radiologic technicians are the health care professionals who perform diagnostic imaging procedures such as X-ray examinations, magnetic resonance imaging scans and computed tomography scan. Radiology technicians are responsible for accurately positioning patients and ensuring that a quality diagnostic image is produced. They work closely with radiologists, the physicians who interpret medical images to either diagnose or rule out disease or injury. For the images to be interpreted correctly by the radiologist, the imaging examination must be performed properly by a radiology technician. These images are used by doctors to diagnose everything from broken bones to cancerous tumors. One of…show more content…
It is expected that the industry will grow by 15 percent by 2016. This percentage is higher than many jobs in this field and this is partially due to the average growth rates of the healthcare industry. In order to become a radiology technician, you will find it easy to train which one of the great advantages of becoming one is. Some individuals go to school to obtain a bachelor's degree this is actually great for those who are looking for executive work and administrative positions in this field. But there are others who choose to go to school for two years versus four years, in order to obtain an associate's degree and

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