Quest For The Living God Summary

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The reading of chapter 4 of Quest for the Living God - Liberating God of life, clearly illustrated why Johnson believes that God wants a world where people where people are free. The main points of this chapter highlight why he believes God wants people to be free in this world. He begins by talking about the decisions that were made in Latin America that lead to great poverty and suffering. In 1968 the Latin American Bishops questioned the causes of poverty, the poor people themselves and also questioned the central focus of their teaching. It was decided to try prevent the marginalisation of the poor and to help liberate them. The Christian doctrine showed God as the Supreme Being who made all things and ruled his realm with authority. However, it states that he still allows poverty and suffering and that peace and justice will come in the…show more content…
People began to gather into small groups to discuss the scriptures. Here “the poor people made the amazing discovery that they are beloved of God” (Johnson 2011, p.73). These people felt they were discovering the God of life, who is concerned for the poor. Johnson puts focus on how to believe in God, when such suffering occurs in our world. The searching for the meaning behind this suffering is a way of life. Archbishop Oscar Romero decided the rephrase the famous proverb of Irenaeus. It previously said “the glory of God is the human being fully alive”. He rephrased the axiom to “the glory of God is the poor person fully alive”, to declare what a treasure every poor person is in the eyes of God. Johnson finishes by explaining the praxis of biblical justice. She believes that you must put your beliefs into practice. Christians must be

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