Examples Of Internal Transformation In Hamlet

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An Internal Metamorphosis Annika Squires Nearly four hundred years later, Hamlet by William Shakespeare still manages to enrapture modern audiences. Perhaps due to Hamlet’s exploration of the internal transformations that occur when struck with tragedy, or a refreshing view of the metamorphosis one endures throughout the course of a life. While Hamlet is ceaselessly inflicted with an internal struggle, that often hinders his transformation, he has undoubtedly changed throughout the novel because he is no longer the compliant and subservient man that he once was, he kills his uncle, and he ultimately fulfills his predetermined fate. Throughout the play Hamlet undergoes an internal transformation. Initially Hamlet is stricken by his extreme passivity, a need to succumb to total compliance, and a seemingly perplexing acceptance regarding his mother’s recent marriage. Internally, Hamlet is disgusted by his mother betraying the memory of his newly deceased father who was “ so loving to my mother that he might not better the winds of heaven visit her face to roughly. “ However externally he fails to disclose his feelings about his mother. Instead Hamlet succumbs to his passive nature believing he “must hold my (his) tongue.” Even though he knows “ it is not nor it cannot come to good, but break, my heart.” Overtaken with depression sorrow and disgust,…show more content…
No longer staying silent, Hamlet instead confronts his mother. Familiarizing his mother with his utter disgust at the incestuous nature of her relationship where she is her “husbands brother’s wife”(3.4.) further clarifying his extreme revulsion “And would it were not so- you are my mother.” (3.4. ). As he transitioned from compliance, to defiance, Hamlet was faced with multiple difficulties, though he became able to stand up for himself, he was still not ready for many of the difficulties that lay

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