Qantas: Australia's Largest Airline

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Qantas was founded in 1920 in the Queensland outback and Qantas stands for Queensland and Northern territory Aerial Services (Our Company | Qantas 2015). It is Australian Owned and Australia’s largest airline with its fleets size, international flights and also international destination therefore it is one of Australia’s strongest brands. Qantas has very strong reputation in customer service and safety flight. In addition, Qantas is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading long distance airline and it is the third oldest airline in the world beside KML and AVIANCA. Like other many airlines companies in the world, Qantas provides services and products regarding to flight such as: • Inflight entertainment • First class • Business class…show more content…
Besides that, Qantas also provides many different services and products to its customers such as inflight catering and travel operation. Therefore, many subsidiary companies were established by Qantas to provide different services and products and also to meet customer’s need, they…show more content…
Recent years, Qantas have to face many problems which strongly affect its overall performance, firstly, it has to face very successful and tough competitor which is virgin Australia who came to Australia’s market in the year of 2000. Secondly, there are other issues Qantas have to face in recent years would be safety issues with carriers, there were some airline carriers incidents happened which effects heavily on its reputation. Also, the relationship between Qantas and some of it employees aren’t going well leading to the increase of distrust from the public and there are more issues Qantas has to face and need to handle. Therefore, this is the time that Qantas board of directors have to change its strategy to be adaptive, flexibility and remain competitive advantages. Hopefully, “The flying kangaroo” which is nicknamed of Qantas is going to improve its performance in the market to continue provide the best service and products which it always used and also to be Australia number one successful company. Porter 5 Force Analysis Rivalry among Competitors:

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