Purity In Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D Arthur

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My social media artifact is centered on the theme of purity and it's relation to chivalry in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D’Arthur. Le Morte D'Arthur is an incredibly long text and is of great relevance to chivalric literature and Arthurian legend. There is a way too much going on in the course off this story to be summarized properly in this essay. My essay focuses of the Tale of the Sangreal and it's participants. On a fateful evening, the Holy Grail floats into King Arthur's court in a beam of light, illuminating the entire hall. Soon after, all of King Arthur's knights ready themselves and set off in pursuit of the grail. In the end out of the five major players in the quest, Sir Galahad, Sir Launcelot, Sir Percivale, Sir Bors and Sir Gawain;…show more content…
In Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d'Arthur, purity is the apex virtue of chivalry. The textual posts were shortened character analysises told from the perspective of Nacien, the hermit, who's consult Gawain sought about his dream, his allegorical dream about the several black and white bulls. The black bulls represent the flawed and less virtuous knights of King Arthur's round table while the lighter bulls represented the more virtuous knights, namely Sir Galahad, Sir Percivale and Sir Bors. The black bulls are those that are frowned upon by God; they have sinned greatly, indulged greatly in sexual immorality and been involved in senseless violence the same characteristics generally attributed to knights of…show more content…
He does with the Sir Galahad, Sir Percivale and Sir Bors. Sir Galahad is painted as the perfect knight, he does not engage in mindless violence, is a completely abstinent and devoted to God and he goes on to see the Holy Grail. Galahad serves as an allusion to Jesus Christ; in the end of the tale he does not even die but is just accepted into heaven. Sir Thomas Malory uses Galahad as a model knight to embody his chivalric ideals. Sir Percivale also serves to do the same and in some tales he is the more prominent character in place of Sir Galahad. Percivale embraces Christianity and is tested of his virtue by the devil, itself, but survives with his virginity intact luckily. Moral tests and trials of virtue are a recurring narrative tool in Chivalric Literature. Percivale succeeds on their quest and goes on to see the Holy Grail but does not return to King Arthur's castle either. Finally, the spotted bull, Sir Bors; Sir Bors represents a gray area in chivalry and purity. Sir Bors is not a virgin like Sir Galahad and Sir Gawain, he has lost his virginity but in some sense he regained it by devoting his life to God after his first and only time. Sir Bors is the only one that sees the Holy Grail and makes it back to King Arthur's castle, which brings entirely different aspect into the argument about

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