Purification Of Fluorene

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The next experiment is to purify impure fluorene, using the same techniques as the previous experiment. In order to crystallize fluorene, the ideal solvent have to be determined from toluene, water, and methyl alcohol. Solubility tests were able to confirm that methyl alcohol is the best solution for crystallizing fluorene, as stated in the results. Though methyl alcohol was the best solvent for this experiment, additional solvent was needed to dissolve the fluorene, because methanol has a high evaporating rate. Even if the fluorene would be dissolved in the solvent, it would recrystallize just as quickly. As a result, the solution needed to be transferred to an ice water bath as quickly as possible. This crystallization was much more successful, obtaining a percent yield of 79%.…show more content…
Subsequently, there was an error could have possibly caused this to happened. After crystallization, the fluorene wasn’t given enough time to be dried. The pure fluorine obtained were yellow, thin crystal sheets, but they were still clumpy and sodden. The extra moisture resulted in a higher mass, which then resulted in a higher percent yield. There was also another possible error in determining the melting point for pure fluorene. The literature melting point of fluorene is 116°C-117°C, but results indicated in Data Table 2 has shown a melting point of pure fluorene to be 114.7°C. However, this error had probably resulted from an incorrect reading of the melting point apparatus; it was taken too early. It was quite difficult to record when the crystals would start melting in the

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