Pudd 'Nhead Wilson's Song New Slaves'

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Pudd’nhead Wilson: Movie Soundtrack The song “New Slaves” (2013) by Kanye West shows many parallels with some ideas portrayed in Pudd’nhead Wilson. Throughout the novel, Twain uses countless examples of the ridiculousness of the Missouri slave-society, which often make the reader cringe. While blatant racism and slavery are clearly no longer a huge issue in the United States, there are many aspects of society today that are just as slow-changing as those in the book. West is able to communicate many similar ideas through this track. His lines early in the song, “You see there’s broke expletive racism, that’s that don’t touch anything in the store, and there’s rich expletive racism, that’s that “come in, please buy more.”” (West) indicate that although slavery may have been eradicated, a modicum of change has occurred…show more content…
“It was fifty years old, and growing slowly – very slowly…” Regarding Dawson’s Creek, Missouri, in 1830, Twain mentions that the society is very stuck in their ways, a theme that persists in every chapter. The blind segregation of people based on the smallest things is a constant aspect of both the song and the novel. Later in the book (page 44), “Tom” and “Chambers” are depicted having a conversation in which “Chambers” speaks in Ebonics. The very ironic part of this is that Chambers, in reality, is fully white, and Tom, who responds profoundly and intelligently, is 1/32 black. Through every chapter thus far, there are examples used by Twain that tastefully mention the hipocracy of Dawson’s Creek and a large portion of the country in this time period. “New Slaves”, by Kanye West, is able to do the same thing and portray a similar message

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