“Within this hierarchical system, samurai (warriors) occupied the highest rank; hyakusha (farmers) the second rank; shokunin (artisans) the third; and shanin (merchants) the lowest rank.” The rigid lines separating the classes forced each group to develop their own ways of life and each group, especially the common people, were to follow and adopt to the samurai-centered norms. In this feudal system, there was no place for women outside of the family. “Confucianism
Another theory, which I explore in my work, it's the Joel Mokyr’s theory of the industrial revolution. His basic works are The Market for Ideas and the Origins of Economic Growth in Eighteenth Century Europe» , «The Institutional Origins of the Industrial Revolution» , «Useful Knowledge as an Evolving System: the view from Economic history» and others. Joel Mokyr makes methodologically very effective assumption in knowledge. Knowledge can be divided into two types.The first type - "propositional knowledge"