Protestant Reformation Research Paper

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The Protestant Reformation influenced many different aspects of life during the Renaissance. Even though the Reformation turned out to be beneficial, it was a challenging transition from old to new for the people who experienced it and suffered the consequences that change can bring. This change was brought on by Martin Luther’s epiphany that the Church was corrupt and something needed to be done about it. Martin Luther started a revolution when he decided to go against the Church and the beliefs it held. It began when he posted the “95 Theses” which was his way of making his concerns known to the people (“Reformation”). Someone finally had the courage to stand up against the teachings of the church and present a new outlook on religion.…show more content…
Those who converted to Protestantism faced many risks by going against the Church. Family members were split between Catholic and Protestant believers, and both believed the other side was in the wrong (Khan Academy). Families shunned one another due to differing ideas, but that was not the worst that could happen. Some were excommunicated. Others faced exile or death (“The Protestant Reformation”). Conflict was a constant problem during the Renaissance, and at the time it seemed like the Reformation caused more harm than good. However, that was not truly the…show more content…
“The race for colonies was driven in part by the desire to convert indigenous peoples to Protestant or Catholic Faith” (“The Protestant Reformation”). Catholics and Protestants competed against one another to be the first to convert foreigners in an attempt to overpower the other. However, religion was not the only motivation to colonize during the Renaissance. “Gold, glory, and God were all equally compelling reasons for exploration and discovery” (“The Protestant Reformation”). People were not only driven by religion, but now they were being driven by greatness. Their desire to gain wealth, land, and fame contributed to exploration during the Renaissance. Each European country wanted to be a little farther along than their counterpart, and this mindset led to wars for global, political, economic, and religious leadership (“The Protestant

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