Pros And Cons Of Unitary Executive Theory

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The Unitary Executive Theory is about constitutional laws of U.S, which gives powers to the president to have absolute control of the executive branch. This powers vested in the executive branch is implanted in article two of the U.S constitution and it describe the various ways these powers can be use. However, the founding fathers of this nation did not believe in a governing system of dictatorship where by power is control by a single person. Looking at this believe system of the founding fathers, it can concluded that power can be easily misused if it is centralized in the hands of one person. This unitary executive theory comes with its own merits and demerits. Over the past years, there have been issue ranging from domestic stability, national security and foreign relation of this country, where the public is looking for a strong leader who can use his powers to influence…show more content…
Although these executive powers are constitutional right, it makes the president aim at satisfying Americans because if they are not satisfied with his policies, his re- approval would decline. Moreover, every politicians want to maintain power so he would do everything to make Americans approve him if there are people in the government that are not getting things done well. An example is when President Bush use his veto power to declare war when “Congress has passed a number of statutes empowering the president to take actions necessary to protect our national security, but on relatively few occasions has congress authorized the president to use force through declaration of war.”(GONZALES*). In addition to that,” He authorized aggressive interrogation practices and established military commission to try those detained”,” he also created a surveillance program that included electronic monitoring of Americans” (CROCKER) as he needed to seek judicial views before implementing those

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