Identity In Macleod's No Great Mischief

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In No Great Mischief the element of identity in portrayed within the novel as the narrator Alexander Macdonald refers back in history of the lives of his ancestors. Throughout the entire novel the theme of identity focuses on the idea that you are linked to the ones before you. Within the novel the family and language were constant contributes to person’s identity, especially Alexander’s. The major theme of identity in No Great Mischief was the repetition of red and black hair because it reflects on Alexander’s family roots and it is an identification mark for the clann Calum Ruadh. in the novel Alexander’s twin sister tried to dye her hair with a silver-blonde streak. Later she tried to dye her streak back to natural colour, but could find no dye that could. This is significant in keeping your true identity sense because it shows that you can’t always bring back what is natural. MacLeod’s novel No Great Mischief proves the importance of understanding the roots of your family can shape a person's identity.…show more content…
Survival is the act of surviving, especially under hard or odd circumstances. Throughout the novel Pi survives 227 days at sea on a lifeboat accompanied with an adult Bengal tiger. The readers learn that many things helped Pi with his survival. For instance his youth at Pondicherry helps him with taming Richard Parker. “ Pi’s three religions guided him through and made him strong mentally. The one thing that helped Pi the most was his imagination. “Survival had to start with me. In my experience, a castaway’s worst mistake is to hope too much and do too little. Survival starts by paying attention to what is close at hand and immediate. To look out with idle hope is tantamount to dreaming one’s life away” (Martel

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