Prejudice And Racism In Richard Wright's Native Son

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This story was a good read to me because it is a story that most people can relate to. Its humor made it even more enjoyable, despite it being blunt at times. I thought that the story was realistic and was able to portray prejudice on a serious level. This story does remind me of one story that I’ve read a few years ago, Native Son, by Richard Wright, which also deals with prejudice and racism. I can relate to this story on a personal level because I have dealt with prejudice in my life for my race, my beliefs, and for just being who I am. This is where I find a connection with this story. The title, “Brownies”, appears in the story because there are two Brownie troops at a summer camp, Camp Crescendo. Brownie Troop 909 consisted of all the Caucasian girls, otherwise known as the “invaders” while the other Brownie troop consisted…show more content…
. . suddenly knew there was something mean in the world that I could not stop” (Packer 754). Laurel, the narrator, says this when she tells a story of her father and Mennonites to her troop, more specifically, in connection to issue that was dealt with. In short, these Mennonites painted their porch for them when her father asked the Mennonite man to. When Laurel was asked why the man simply did not pain the whole house if he would do anything for free, she said that her father said “it was the only time he’d have a white man on his knees doing something for free” (754). It is not until she tells Daphne her father did not thank them that she then finally realizes that “there was something mean in the world that she could not stop” (754). This quote stands alone as powerful and true. It reveals that her father did what he did just to be cruel, “When you’ve been made to feel bad for so long, you jump at the chance to do it to others” (754). Through her anecdote, Laurel recognizes the fact that there is cruelness in the world and she does not want to be involved in

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