Precarious Employment In Canada

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Precarious employment is an increasingly common trend in not on only Canada, but around the world. Precarious labour is defined as unsecure work that provides low wages and minimal benefits. There are many different types of precarious labour such as part-time or temporary work, which have been found to negatively impact individuals and the economy. Although precarious employment is almost inevitable, the issue is that having a job that doesn’t provide the benefits, security, nor wages as a full-time job can have everlasting effects. To be specific, precarious labour affects individuals physical and mental health significantly as this type of work can lead to increased stress and a greater chance of injury. There is certainly a need to worry…show more content…
One third of employed Canadians potentially don’t receive benefits, receive low wages, and face the fear of their job security on a daily basis. The aspect of precarious work that requires a need to worry is the fact that there is little to no safety laws or regulations that protect non-standard work in Canada (Busby & Muthukumaran, 2017). Therefore, precarious employment is a growing issue in Canada that needs to be addressed because it results in physical and mental health, job insecurity and low wages, marginalized groups being exploited, and unemployment due to technology advancement. Physical and mental health is one of the results of the growing issue of precarious employment in Canada. Precarious labour has directly led to physical and mental health because of the type of work that is defined as precarious. As mentioned in the text, precarious jobs mostly include “physically demanding” work which can harm the body an increase the risk of injury (Law Commission of Ontario-Pg.28, 2012). In addition, the World Health Organization has determined that the growing trend of precarious employment is directly correlated with poor health and health inequities (Law Commission of Ontario-Pg.28, 2012). Being injured is a severe risk of…show more content…
Technological advancement has been a predominant part of the growth in many nations around the world by making many different jobs and tasks more efficient. However, the advancement of technology can also lead to unemployment. To go into depth, this unemployment may be seen in jobs that are unskilled, many unskilled workers may soon be replaced by a machine or some sort of technology. In regard to precarious employment, since the many of the precarious workers are in low-paying unskilled work, this results in a significant issue for the future because of the likely possibility that these precarious workers may go from being in precarious labour to being unemployed. Although technological advance may lead to job growth in the long run, it will certainly lead to extensive unemployment in the short run. According to research done by the University of Toronto, it “predicts millions of Canadians may lose their jobs to automation in the next decade, including truck and taxi drivers who could be replaced by self-driving vehicles.” (Noakes, 2016). Precarious workers are already faced with the fear of losing their job, now the factor of automation may present another reason as to why there is reason to worry about precarious labour. Overall, the advancement of technology in society not only poses a threat to many workers in

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