Positive Experiences In Frankenstein By Mary W. Shelley

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Locke has a theory stating that “A child is a blank state that is formed only through experience”. Some of these experiences can affect the child in a positive way, or it could have a negative influence on them. The events that occur early on in a child's life is what molds them and makes them who they are, people learn from past experience. Studies have proven that children growing up with positive influences and happy homes are more likely to have more success in their future, as opposed to those children who grew up in abusive households or are faced with any other significant negative experiences. In general positive experiences lead to better and happier lives as opposed to people who have bad experiences which could lead to people…show more content…
Shelley Victor Frankenstein creates this monster, and although the monster is not a child it is still former through experience. The monster has to learn how to do everything for himself and he has no help, he is thrown into the world all by himself. “This was a new sight to me, and I examined the structure with great curiosity. Finding the door open, I entered. An old man sat in it, near a fire, over which he was preparing his breakfast. He turned on hearing a noise, and perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut, ran across the fields with a speed of which his debilitated form hardly appeared capable. “ (p. 89). Everyone is terrified of the monster because of how he looks and this experience will follow him long after it happened, because after this the monster does not go around people. The monster has only been around a few people and every time they run and hide in fear. The monster went to a village and the same thing happened, they were all scared and they started attacking him, by throwing rocks and stones at him. Although this is a fictional book, Locke's theory can still apply to this. The monster was not a child but he was created and he knew nothing, he had to figure everything out for himself, and he was literally a blank

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