Plots And Themes Revealed In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Many fascinating topics, plots, and theories can be drawn out of Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein. Among those plots, topics, and theories, numerous questions are left to ponder. Did Frankenstein consider his own advice when he created his monster? “If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections, and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures . . . then that study is certainly unlawful, that is to say, not befitting the human mind” (Shelley 56). How did Frankenstein’s love for his creation instantly turn to hatred, upon giving him life? In Frankenstein’s God-like pursuit, was he motivated by the thought of praise and accolades that would occur as a result of his work? While these questions are very…show more content…
After giving life to his creation, Frankenstein fled in fear and disgust, hoping to forget the situation entirely. Engulfed by his emotions on that eventful night, Frankenstein could not help but to think of himself. What he created most certainly terrified him, but the thought of terror and disgust did not cross Frankenstein’s mind until life filled his subject. In the process of inducing life on his work, never once did Frankenstein stop to consider what others would think of his creation. Never once did he stop to think, would they fear the unknown lifeform. This statement also rings true upon animating his creation’s lifeless body. After beholding what his hands were responsible for, he could only consider his feelings in the heat of the moment. Even days removed from the significant event, Frankenstein was more concerned with his creation being out of sight and mind, opposed to the possibility of his creation wreaking havoc, which later ensued. In both instances, Frankenstein was so passionately engaged in his mindset and emotions, he did not take the time to consider possible consequences for his

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