Plato's The Allegory Of The Cave

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After reading Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave, readers began to process whether the objects we see are simply images or distortions of some sort in our mind. Whether it is possible to understand what is non-material and what is real. Plato provides a story of the prisoners inside the cave in order to represent the outcomes of education on the human mind. Education guides the philosopher through the stages and eventually brings him to the “Form of the Good”. Even till this day, philosophers try to tackle the question; does the non-material world truly exist? Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave begins with the setting of prisoners inside a cave, staring at a wall and not being able to turn their heads. There is a fire behind and a walkway, which people walk on carrying objects or puppets. The…show more content…
The prisoners are only able to see the shadows in front of them. They also hear sounds echo off the shadows that lead the prisoners to falsely believe these sounds come from the shadows. The first prisoner was freed, however the light was too much for him to take so he went back into the cave where he can see like he was used too and seeming more believable than what was shown to him. The second prisoner would be dragged up, however the light would be more painful with anger boiled inside. Yet, after his vision adjusts to the light; eventually he is able to see the reflections of himself and things in water and then later see the people and the objects surrounding them. Then he was able to look at the sun and begin to understand that it is the source for everything around him in this new atmosphere. The returning prisoner wanted to go back and let the others know about what he had discovered. However, he would be

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