Plantar Fasciitis Case Studies

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Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury involving the plantar fascia, a strong thick band of tissue that runs from the heel(calcaneum) up to the toes. An overstretched or overused injury of the plantar fascia will lead to pain and inflammation at the bottom of the foot which makes walking more difficult. This band of tissue provide arch support as well as a shock-absorber of your foot. Plantar fasciitis can be seen to both men and women, but more to active men aged 40 to 70. The involvement can either be one foot or both. Possible Causes and Risk Factors: This foot condition develops as the result of repeated small tears in the plantar fascia resulting to inflammation and degeneration of the connective tissues in the fascia. Platar fasciitis is more…show more content…
Avoid any form of the heating your foot during the first 2 to 3 days. Flexibility and strengthening exercises to ankle and calf muscles. Standing with both hands touching the wall at shoulder level. Feet slightly apart, with one foot in front of the other foot.Begin by bending your front knee while keeping your back knee in straight position and then move forward by leaning on the wall. Hold it for a few seconds and then release. This exercise will stretch your calf muscles. Do this again by switching the position of the two feet to stretch the other calf muscles. Long sitting on the floor. Loop a towel around the ball of your one foot. Pull the toes towards you while keeping your knee straight. Hold this for a few seconds. Do this exercise to the other foot. While sitting on a chair, place a water bottle, a tennis ball, or a drink can under the arch of your foot. Slowly roll the bottle from the ball of the foot to the heel. The massage effect help reduce pain in the bottom of your foot. Athletic shoes or shoes with a well-cushioned sole are usually good choices. Heel cups or shoes inserts provide added cushion and comfort to your

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