Phraseological Analysis Of Phraseology

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Phraseological analysis reveals that fixed expressions which are memorized as formulaic chunks build up much of the conversations and that language is replete with collocations, colligations, and semantic prosody. These analyses show that phrase is the basic level of language representation, and fluent language users require a great number of memorized language sequences (Eliss, 1996; Granger & Munier, 2008; Pawly & Syder, 1983; Sinclair, 1991, 2004; Wray, 2002). Sinclair (2005) also claims that language is the phrases, the whole phrases and nothing but phrases. Starting the corpus linguistics through studying and investigating corpora has made a huge revolution in the study of language in the late 1950s and early 1960s (Tognini-Bonelli…show more content…
This idea can be connected to what Phillips (1983, 1989) refers to as the ‘aboutness’ of a text. The notion of aboutness is a product of global patterning in a text, i.e. macrostructure. Phillips believes computational means should be employed for determining the texts macrostructures in order to ensure that the obtained results are from texts itself and not from external features. This can lead us to this basic assumption that lexical items or the associations of lexical items construct the ultimate meaning in language (Sinclair 1996, 2004). We should bear in mind that ‘concgramming’ (Greaves & Warren 2007) is underpinned by this basic assumption. Cheng et al. (2006) define concgrams as sets of words that can co-occur regardless of constituency variation (e.g. and A*B), positional variation (e.g. AB and BA), or both. The significance of phraseology in language use was determined by Sinclair, Jones, and Daley (1970). It was when Sinclair’s (1987) idiom principle emerged, and it led to shedding more light on how speakers and writers select words while writing and speaking. This principle claims that words are not selected in splendid isolation and separated from each other by speakers or writers; rather, they tend to co-select words while speaking and writing in order to produce units of meaning even though the words might be

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