Phil Knight Research Paper

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Phil Knight was once selling shoes out of the trunk of his car and now is worth billions of dollars for a company called nike, a worldwide company that makes millions every day. Phil knight grew up and went to the university of Oregon, he attended Cleveland high school in Portland, Oregon and was a distance runner for his high school team and Oregon track team. Before Nike became what it is today he worked as a assistant professor of business administration at Portland State University. After graduating from Oregon knight enlisted in the army and served one year on active duty and seven years in the Army reserves. After the active duty he enrolled at stanford graduate school of business in frank shallenberger small business class, after graduation…show more content…
Knights first sales were made out of a plymouth valiant trunk at a track meet, these early sales allowed knight to leave his accountant job and work full time for Blue Ribbon Sports, Jeff Johnson a friend of phil’s suggested “Nike” as named after the greek winged goddess of victory Nikes logo now considered one of the most powerful logos in the world.Phil Knight said that “i don't love it but it will grow on me” when being asked about the nike name in september 1983 davidson was given an undisclosed amount of nike stock for her contribution to the companys brand Knight reportedly gave davidson a “few hundred shares” when the company went public.Even when Phil Knight started out small that business was still sort of big in his area of course not selling as near as much as he does now but quite a bit for first starting out.Knight was awarded the most powerful man in the world in 1993 but was not a athlete or a coach.They were “trying to get their running shoes on the feets of athletes” is what Knight said they have had a lot of contracts from distant stars as well such as,Steve Pfontaine and Alberto Salazar.But in the 1980s sales dropped a little and picked back up in 1984.Knight has completely changed the game for track in the 1950’s Knight had a very good liking to the invention of track shoes as well,after a couple years of sales phil sold all 10,000 of his shoes overnight and when he woke up he was worth 178 million dollars.After his company Nike came out for sales he had over

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