Personal Responsibility In Jim Rohn's Battle Mountain

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Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker said, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you change of ” ( The quote indicates that people are only capable of changing themselves in order to insure and gain personal responsibility in their lives. Rose Mary, the matriarch of the Walls family, is the only person capable of financially supporting her family because her husband Rex would lose jobs frequently and excessively spend money on alcohol. However, throughout the story, she has more interest in her personal passion for painting than being responsible for supporting her family, and…show more content…
Jeannette’s family inherits Grandma Smith’s mansion in Phoenix when she dies of Leukemia, but the family allows the house to be vulnerable to desert animal and cockroach investigation. “We had just a few at first, but since Mom was not exactly a compulsive cleaner, they multiplied. After a while, entire armies were scuttling across the walls and the floors and the kitchen counters. In Battle Mountain, we’d had lizards to eat the flies and cats to eat the lizards. We couldn’t think of any animal that liked to eat roaches, so I suggested we buy roach spray, like all our neighbors did, but Mom was opposed to chemical warfare” (100). Rose Mary allows her family’s recent house to experience infestation due to her lack of cleanliness because she excessively spends her time on painting and cleaning is\ an activity that probably does not suit her interests. Also, she morally opposes the use of chemicals for pest extermination because, although, she is thoughtful about the safety of her family, she thinks that nature, “should take its course,” and thinks the perfect way to remove pests is to harbor predictors in her

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