Personal Narrative: The Story Of The Feast Of Hanuka

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A day in the middle of November of that same year, 1942, German troops invaded the entire city of Montlucon. All the French territory, it’s occupied by the Germans, no longer exist the two areas. The army, German truck engine’s noise, the resonance of their motorcycles and the trampling of their boots against the pavement sounded everywhere. The Mother Superior of the convent, Mother Marie explained to us; we can stay, for the moment, for us; it's a safe place, considering nobody knows of our existence there. In the event, we stay in danger; so, she would organize our departure toward another place of refuge. It soon came the feast of Hanuka, I cannot say the exact date; I knew is always a week before my birthday, 14 December, how distant…show more content…
With secrecy, the sisters from the convent lodge Jacques and myself in the gardener’s cabin and Ivette in the girl’s dormitory. The Mother Superior told us that the dog allowed to stay. At the present Prince, it’s in the woodshed behind the kitchen. The railroad worker talked to his companion, and after they went to clean the wound of “our dog.” This temporary separation proved difficult for Ivette, cried most nights. The Mother Superior called Mother Angelica has much knowledge over the situation of children who tried to flee or hide; so, I showed her the map where my grandfather had marked the path toward Switzerland, and I told her I promised to my mother and grandfather; I would lead my brothers to Switzerland, although I didn’t know yet how to achieve this. Mother Angelica expressed: first it’s necessary to move out of the city, as prompt as possible.,she knowledge a peasant family who had a farm willing to hide us for a while a few kilometers from the city. Later, she would coordinate with Explorers Israelites of France (EIF) who had a circuit of escape routes for Jew's children, to lead us to a place from where they organized the crossing of the Swiss border. The

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