Personal Narrative: The Ozark Mountain Deaf Church

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This past Sunday I attended the Ozark Mountain Deaf Church. Upon arriving to the service, the pastor’s wife quickly approached us to ask us if we were students. She was curious to know our names and where we were going to school. She was hearing, so it was much easier to communicate with her; however, she explained that her husband was the main pastor of the church, and he was deaf. After talking to us for a few minutes, she went to find her husband to tell him that a group of students from Missouri State had arrived for the service. We finger spelled our names to the pastor and he spelled his name to us. At first he signed really fast, so it was hard for us to understand what he was trying to communicate. After he realized that we were beginners, he slowed down his spelling and it was much easier for us to read his signs. After we signed our names, he asked us where we were going to school. I was really comfortable telling him that we were students because we had just learned that in class. After speaking to the pastor, his wife began to tell us that we have chosen to come on a Sunday that was different than other church services. At this particular service, we were going to watch a hearing video, and they provided us with popcorn and soda to enjoy as…show more content…
We exchanged our personal information with them because we finger spelled our names and told them that we were students from Missouri State. We signed to them that we were taking our first American Sign Language class and that we did not understand very much. One man that we talked to acted out and explained that he used to be a teacher in Florida. Before he moved to Missouri, he taught American Sign Language classes. He finger spelled Florida, Missouri, and ASL in a sentence, and I felt accomplished because I finally understood his story and what he was trying to

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