Personal Narrative: The Five Attributes Of Leading Change

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I feel a good leader is born and not made. You cannot make a person into a leader but you can develop a person leadership skills. I also believe that in order to be a successful leader you must first be a good follower. The book defines leader cannot make things happen but they rally a group of stakeholders around a shared vision (direction), provide leadership and resources attuned to a purpose (mission) and demonstrate a presence of personal values and motivation (inspiration) to get things done. First a leader must know themselves. A leader creates meaning. There are six key attributes for leading change. First is creativity, which include openness to the creativity of others. The second is team orientation, demonstrates a manager’s reliance on the help of others to make change happen. The third is listening, the attribute that communicates to others that their opinions are valued. The fourth is coaching, is a powerful attribute for effecting change. The fifth is…show more content…
The sixth is appreciation, allows change leaders to recognize and reward employee efforts to make the change successful. The ARC has had many leaders throughout its 134 year-old institute some which were good and some not so good. The current leader of ARC Gail McGovern had some victory and challenges during her seven years as President and CEO. McGovern has displayed some of the attributes that the book discuss such as creativity team orientation, listening and appreciation.. McGovern has used her creativity skills to develop a greater awareness of the organization mission by allowing her team to revamp the entire IT department and to bring the department up to the 21century. This change should have already taken place years ago

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