Personal Narrative: Paul Mccartney

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It was four, maybe five o'clock. My dad got off work early so we wouldn't get caught up in traffic. The drive to Candlestick Park took about an hour and a half, we're lucky we even made it. This was how my trip to see Paul McCartney started. I had been waiting for this event for weeks. It was my first concert at Candlestick, at any venue in fact. Being a naïve concert goer, I had no idea what to wear, so I just piled on every piece of Paul McCartney merchandise I had. My eager eleven-year-old self had gotten ready hours ahead and was anxiously awaiting my dad. Equipped with our tickets and my Beatles purse, all that was left was for my dad to drive us there once he got home. When driving to San Francisco on a Friday night, one can never expect to avoid traffic, but maybe I was just too thrilled to think clearly.…show more content…
We had pretty good seating, we weren't on the lawn, though; it was nothing like my seats at the Fall Out Boy concert I'd attend the following year. I was able to touch the singer and bassist's hands at my Fall Out Boy concert; however, this time I was stuck admiring Paul from afar. I remember him distinctly, he was wearing a long red coat. Now that I think about it, that was kind of ironic since he was, y'know, British. Anyway, before I even got to my seat I was standing in line at the merch booth and the food stand for about an hour. I wasn't able to snag the tour shirt of my choice, a black t-shirt with a pretty green and blue gradient behind Paul, but it ended up working out because my mom bought me an extra sweater to make up for it. So in total, I had a white t-shirt that documented all the details of the tour, a sweater with a young Paul McCartney on it, and a polish hotdog. By then it was getting dark and people were starting to take their seats. A short film played songs from Paul's past while it displayed a slideshow of photos of him. Then it was finally

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