gender-neutral bathrooms. South Park is an animated, satirical American sitcom that plays out the misadventures of four school kids: Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny McCormick. This ongoing, surreal narrative takes place in a dysfunctional town, known as South Park, Colorado. This dark adult comedy is best known for it’s crude humor and cynical language. One of the most recent episodes titled, “The Cissy,” addresses issues regarding gender identity and biological sex and assumptions
Why does my foot hurt? A question many people have asked themselves over the course of their lives. Most people go to the doctor and get medicine or special shoes and go on living their lives. Although, a logical strategy to fix a problem there are always other ways to solve a problem. In the book Born to Run, by Christopher McDougall, McDougall writes about the journey he encounters in Mexico and how he took part in the greatest race the world has never seen which all started with a question: Why