Personal Narrative: My First Ice Hockey Team

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As I timidly stepped onto the ice for the first time, I faltered, and reached for support.. grasping onto the edge of the rink. Standing there, I watched older kids wearing NHL jerseys effortlessly pass by at immense speeds. Despite being five years old, I became determined to skate like them. Letting go of the edge, I regained my balance and began my passion for ice hockey. At age six, I joined my first ice hockey team. My team consisted of twelve equally talented kids just looking to have fun. We were by no means the best in our league, but our determination towards improving our skills would deceive you. I was blissfully unaware of how much I would learn about myself through a sport that pushes you physically, mentally, and emotionally. The most unique thing about hockey though, is how it forces you to adapt. Years later my dad gave news that we would be moving to Georgia, my stomach dropped. Many questions raced through my mind at the time. How will I make new friends? How will I continue hockey? What will my…show more content…
My new ice Georgia ice hockey team was not affiliated with my school, but it served as a good way of adapting to this new state. As my newly aquired ice hockey team required hours of travel, I began having to manage my time efficiently. Unlike the rest of my team, I took more challenging courses that which forced me to travel with books in the car on the ride to our games. My team poked fun at me, but the last minute facts I crammed on the ride to the game kept me ahead of the other students in my class. My team also taught me when to prioritize as a defenseman, I had to know the right time to assist them offensively, but get back in time to stop the other team from scoring. If I could prioritize my game strategy, I could certainly prioritize my life

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