Personal Narrative: My Catholic Faith

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I have always enjoyed attending church and being around other people who share the same values and ideas as I do. I was born and raised in a Catholic household. My whole family were also born and raised Catholic and still to this day have the same beliefs. I have never had a problem with my religion and as I grow older I do feel like I am connecting closer to God and also feel like I understand more of what my religion’s teachings are all about. My family have gone through hard times and always turned to God for hope and help to get them through. I myself have recently gone through a rough time and during that time I felt more connected with my religion. My Catholic faith is a part of me and I do believe it defines me and helps me get through all the hardships that I’ve gone through.…show more content…
My grandmother is the first person that has helped me and my siblings understand our religion better and whenever we had any questions dealing with our faith she always tried her best to help us understand and answer our questions. When I was seven years old my family went to Nicaragua where we are from just so we could have our first communion as well as our confirmation. Most of our relatives live in Nicaragua so my family wanted to make sure I was around them to celebrate this wonderful event in a young Catholic’s life. It certainly was a moving experience, from attending classes to finally having my first communion and confirmation I still remember it till this day. After my communion and confirmation I started becoming more involved in my faith and trying to learn more about my

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