Emotional Experience Response

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Emotional Experience Response Forty-five years ago, I was waiting to board the Boeing 747 airplane that was to take me along with others whose tour of duty in Vietnam had ended back, home. My emotions were all over the place. I felt the joy from being alive and going home and saddened by the many caskets that were being loaded onto the plane. “Freedom Bird” is what the returning veterans called the airplane carrying us home. Once on the plane and seated, the captain made his speech as the plane taxied down the runway. A loud roar from the vets could be heard throughout the plane, and then a deafening silence as the plane lifted off. That’s when I believe it was the scariest moment in country. A lump filled my throat, my body tightened up and fear consumed my total being. My mind racing and telling me that we are not out of danger yet. We could be shot down or anything could happen.…show more content…
Relieved, and no longer feeling threatened by fear, I could breathe easier. Then came the loosening of the grip we had as we held each others hand. Our hearts could stop racing now, however, unknown to us we had taken ground fire, and the plane had to land in Okinawa. It was then that we were informed that rounds had hit the cargo compartment, and no serious damage was done. Thank God it was not serious enough to turn our “Freedom Bird” into a death trap. The plane was checked out, and we reboarded and flew safely to Alaska then to Fort Dicks, New

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