Persecution In 1984 By George Orwell

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“Persecutions” is a fairly controversial topic which involves in every individual’s life. It has been getting a great deal of attention from people in years. It reflects how the fact of people’s living conditions and extends to the ideas of morality, equality and freedom. For instance, totalitarian governments try to main their power based on their citizens’ suffrage .Under their torture, people live without true freedom. They are infused blind loyalty to their governments and also they cannot know what it is true or false. While opinions differ wildly towards this issue, most people share a similar opinion that everyone should live under freedom. The persecution issues must be truly considered as a tough enemy against the citizens in societies…show more content…
First of all, in George Orwell’s “1984”, it mainly describes about how tough people live with their government’s persecution. In the story, the government places surveillance everywhere in order to monitor the citizens’ “improper” behavior, such as motivation of rebellion. People live under fear, as no one dares to share whatever ideas they have and express any evaluation that is opposed against the government. While Winston and Julia rent Mr. Charrington’s room for their affairs, their conversations and everything they have done are monitored by a hidden telescreen that is under the picture in their room. The telescreen talks, ““You are the dead," repeated the iron voice. “It was behind the picture," breathed Julia. "It was behind the picture," said the voice. "Remain exactly where you are. Make no movement until you are ordered."[…] “Now they can see us,” said Julia “Now we can see you,” said the voice […] “The house is surrounded,” said Winston. “The house is…show more content…
One of the biggest social problems in North Korea is its persecution towards the Christian. There are Christians who had experienced the persecution in North Korea and they decided to tell MPs of their persecution. In North Korea, people are not allowed to have any religious belief at all, because the government wants to brainwash the citizen to be loyal only to the government of North Korea. The author summarizes what they had studied and these victims’ reveal, “They have to hide their decision to follow Christ: being caught with a Bible is grounds for execution or a life-long political prison sentence. An estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Christians live in concentration camps, prisons and prison-like circumstances under the regime of leader Kim Jong-Un. […] They separated the men from the women…the guards told us that we are not human beings, we are just prisoners, so we don’t have any right to love…Even if people died there, they didn’t let the family members outside know” (Gillan, “ I’m stunned and horrified” – North Korean Christian tells MPs of their persecution”). The North Korea government treats the Christian with cruelty. Their actions badly violate the Christens basic rights. They are treated as animals that also reveal they have no position to oppose against but only to obey the government. It is not wrong to have religious belief but the government has not realized it.

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