Pashomeo Character Analysis

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A great hero, the main character of the story, and a born leader; Pākaʻa is the savior in The Wind Gourd of Laʻamaomao. He is widely speculated as a hero by most readers and everybody existing within the fictional realm of the story, undeniably he’s a perfect human being who manages to always make the right decision. He does and always has. Right? Wrong. Pākaʻa is a sociopath. The so-called “savior” has displayed several characteristics that contribute to my claim of his nefarious acts, his true nature. One key-characteristic, which is vital to determining a sociopath, is displaying a tendency for violent behavior. After reading the book I can confirm that Pākaʻa has murdered a multitude of lives. Pākaʻa had murdered dozens of innocent…show more content…
In the story he embarks his son (Kūapākaʻa) to send him on mission of vanquishing his enemies. As evidence Pākaʻa states with joy: “I let him sail with Keawenuiaʻumi so he could avenge me during the voyage; it would make me very happy to know that the two hoʻokele are dead and that my keiki has returned to HawaiʻI and killed their fishermen” (Nakuina 100). Kūapākaʻa has rights of his own that every human being is entitled to and one of those rights includes the freedom of choice. Even though Pākaʻa is Kūapākaʻa’s father, he does not have the authority to dictate his own flesh and blood, let alone an adosletant to commit hommicide. Pākaʻa orders Kūapākaʻa around, basiaclly ruining his childhood. Unbeknowingly Pākaʻa causes hidden trauma, long term mental deffects, and he could even turn Kūapākaʻa into a monster just as henious as he…show more content…
I previously showed how Pākaʻa tramples over his son, but his wife Hikauhi could be an argument to this. In actuality there’s proof that shows he is just as uncompassionate to his wife as he is to his son “She tied to suppress her longing for him, but couldn’t, so she got angry at Pākaʻa and began scolding him for letting their keiki leave” (Nakunia 100). In the quote above the author wrote that Hikauhi suppressed her feelings of sorrow. In a marriage both partners should be open with each other, suppressing thoughts and emotions from someone supposedly close to you is a sign of distrust: a distrust against feelings indicates that they aren’t able to convey what they feel without being attacked or neglected in some way. Futhermore, when the two met the author says that Hikahui greatly desired Pākaʻa, so much infact that she ditched her previous lover to be with him (he was somehow alright with that and they lived in harmony). All that sounds like lust not love and you never hear what Pākaʻa thinks about Hikahui which is in my belief the authorʻs intention; it’s all subtle hinting to the idea that Pākaʻa is a

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